My Parting Message

By: Aaron Shaykevich  |  May 14, 2024

By Aaron Shaykevich, Editor-in-Chief

Each day leading up to graduation gets harder and harder for me. It is difficult visualizing how the next stage of my life will look, especially after three years of being part of the same community. Not having the same connection with my friends, not seeing the same professors, not having the Caf food to rely on: it will definitely be a shock. The YU community has a place in my heart and it’s difficult to imagine not being there for the fun moments or the inevitable drama of the next student election. 

For me, leaving YU means leaving a community with incredibly strong voices and a strong sense of morality and duty for rightness. Students have shown that they are proud to write for the YU Observer and share their voice.

Students have risen forth and shared their perspectives on mishandling by the YU administration. Dalya Eichler wrote an eye-opening article discussing the clear miscommunication by YU Academic Advising and the registrar and how it has been negatively affecting students. Ruchama Benhamou, our managing editor, wrote a very thought provoking article on cases where the academic integrity committee has been hurting the YU student body, rather than helping it. Esther Nahon wrote an article about international student perspectives regarding how YU makes it incredibly difficult to be an international student because of the dates of school inhibiting some students from traveling home for holidays.

Students have also utilized the YU Observer to share their passions. Kiki Arochas has consistently written a song analysis for our Arts & Culture section. He’s written about songs such as “Some Nights” by fun., “Fast Car” by Tracy Chapman, and many others. Allison Warren has written incredibly in-depth science articles on topics such as Ozempic, cell phone radiation, and how to stay hydrated during the summer. Her brother, Andrew Warren, who clearly has a passion for theater and film, has written 17 articles for us reviewing movies. 

In its entire history, the YU Observer has never been larger than it is now. This success can only be accredited to the immense passion of the YU student body. It is clear that students know that writing in publications, such as the YU Observer, is a valuable tool for sharing ideas with a larger audience.

As the 2023-2024 Editor-in-Chief of the YU Observer, this has been my most proud achievement: facilitating the voice of the student body.

I am so fortunate to have had a team that gave it their all, resounding with the YU Observer’s aims for this year. Every single member of our staff dedicated so much, and the success of this paper is all thanks to their hard work. 

To those who will be returning to YU next year, remember that YU is at the heart of so many debates within the orthodox Jewish community and beyond. It is therefore imperative to keep the university accountable whenever you see malpractice or misjustice. When there is a policy or event you are thankful for or are happy to have seen happen, share your thoughts and voice. Furthermore, I implore you to never shy away from sharing what you enjoy, and what you care about. The YU community deserves to hear from each and every one of you.

For all of you at YU who are graduating this year, I ask you to continue seeking truth where it lies. Don’t ever be afraid to share a part of yourself. Always be a student, willing to learn, willing to make a change.

Next year, I will be going to study public health and medicine. Journalism may be seemingly detached from these degrees, but I intend to connect the lessons I learned from the YU Observer to my future. The ultimate goal of uncovering truths, sharing your passion, and sharing your ideas, will follow with me wherever I go and in whatever I do.

I will never forget what this experience has taught me, and I am once again forever grateful for such a wonderful team. I am confident that Emily and Shira will only improve upon what we have done this year.

I hope that this year, you, the reader, felt that the YU Observer did justice to student causes. 

And I thank you for reading.