The Upcoming World Zionist Congress and Why You Should Vote for Israel365 Action

By: Gabriella Gomperts  |  March 10, 2025

By Gabriella Gomperts, Features Editor 

Before October 7, I never seriously thought about a potential resolution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict. A two-state solution was the only answer I had ever heard proposed. At the same time, I sincerely believed that coexistence was possible, that everyone just wants to live a peaceful, prosperous life, safe from harm. I don’t believe this anymore. 

I happen to have taken a lot of Jewish history classes so far during my time at Yeshiva University. Since the destruction of the second Beit Hamikdash, Jews in galut (exile) have played by the world’s rules at every juncture. We’ve been exiled and persecuted and discriminated against at every turn, in every corner of the world. But with the establishment of the State of Israel, we don’t have to give in to the rest of the world anymore. For the first time in 2,000 years, we have the power to protect ourselves. 

As American Jews, we have an important role to play in supporting Israel. The World Zionist Congress (WZC) plays an extremely powerful role in supporting Israel and Jewish communities worldwide. 

The WZC is essentially a gathering of international Jewish leaders and organizations that come together to discuss the biggest issues facing the Jewish people. This congress controls massive budgets and allocates those funds towards different organizations and Israeli projects, as well as different initiatives to help combat antisemitism. 

The congress itself is a parliament composed of parties, each with its own agenda and priorities. The amount of votes each party receives in the upcoming election denotes how many seats the party will receive in the congress. The more seats a party has in congress, the more its agenda will be prioritized. 

In all, the congress controls five billion dollars in funds that will be allocated toward different initiatives. As diaspora Jews, we hold a lot of influence over where that money goes. If there’s one message you get out of this article, I hope it’s this: Your vote really really matters. Take the time to vote between March 10 and May 4. For a mere five bucks, your voice and perspective will be taken into account. Take advantage of this unprecedented power you are afforded as a Jew, and vote. 

Historically, the WZC has leaned to the left, as most American Jews tend to lean this way, and Reform parties typically received the most votes. As a result, the WZC has invested all its resources into perpetuating the idea of a “two-state solution” as the only solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This idea, unfortunately, was doomed from the start. Post Oct. 7, I believe it’s imperative to change the discourse and public opinion in America surrounding the conflict. For the sake of our survival, we have to be realistic and honest with ourselves. A two-state solution is not possible when the other state wants us dead. 

This is why I’m voting for Israel365 Action, a party for which I am also a delegate. Israel365 Action is a new party that strives to bring change to the WZC. The party stands for three core principles: “First, we need new, courageous Zionist leaders who will proudly speak the truth about Jewish rights without apology. Second, we assert the Jewish people’s eternal right to the entire land of Israel and categorically reject the dangerous two-state delusion. Third, we’re investing in strengthening bonds with Israel’s true friends worldwide, particularly faith communities who have steadfastly stood with us while establishment leaders pushed them away.”

For the Jewish people, the last seventeen months in Israel and abroad have been some of the worst in our lifetime. Pride, and our blindness to the true nature of our enemies, are what brought us to this state. It’s time to move away from the status quo that failed us. We have the power to write our own history and ensure a safe future for our children. 

Am Yisrael Chai.