365 Days Later

By: YU Observer Editorial Board  |  October 7, 2024

By The YU Observer Editorial Board

This editorial is dedicated to the people who lost their lives at the hands of terrorists in Israel. The YU Observer Editorial Board calls for the immediate release of all the hostages and prays for the safe return of all the soldiers fighting to protect our homeland. 

Today marks the one year anniversary of the most terrifying day for Israel during our generation. October 7, 2023 feels like yesterday and a lifetime ago at the same time. The agony felt by Jews around the world both on that day and every day since is indescribable. There are still no words for the pain we continue to feel for our brothers and sisters in Israel, one year later. 

We, as a greater community, have experienced 365 days of mourning, hardship and fighting. On Simchat Torah one year ago today, we were all shocked by the devastating news that our homeland had been viciously attacked by terrorists. As the holiday came to a close and we learned and saw more of the gut wrenching attack, it became easy to feel helpless here in America. What were we doing while our brothers and sisters – some very close to us in age – were fighting with their lives to defend our homeland and our nation? 

However, despite living through a year of constant sorrow, we have also lived through a year of advocacy, tefillah, and unity like we’ve never seen before. We, as students of Yeshiva University, proudly stand on the right side of history, and remain strong and committed Jews in the face of adversity. We are appreciative to attend a university that stands unquestionably with Israel.  

The mission of the YU Observer is and always will be “to serve as the voice of the students.” Now, more than ever, we recognize that this mission extends way beyond the walls of our university. The YU Observer commits to promoting the voices of our brothers and sisters in Israel and advocating for the release of all of the hostages. We will never stop writing, reporting, and dedicating ourselves to telling the stories of Oct.7, so that the world never forgets what happened on that day. 

During the past year, the importance of fostering a credible space in journalism where the truth prevails has become extremely evident. The YU Observer will continue to create a space in journalism to serve as the voice of the voiceless – dedicating all that we write for those depending on us to speak on the side of truth and stand by them during times of great need, especially for our nation in Israel.  

1 year. 12 months. 365 days. 8,760 hours. 525,600 minutes. 31,536,000 seconds.

This past year has undeniably been one of the most devastating years for the State of Israel in our lifetimes. We have lived through unimaginable horrors like those described within the Torah, the history of our ancestors. Looking towards the future, the YU Observer hopes that only the joyous accounts relayed within the verses of the very same history will prevail for years to come. 

 The YU Observer stands with Israel, now and forever. 

Photo Caption: An Israeli Flag

Photo Credit: Cole Keister / Unsplash