United under Hope, Faith, and Resilience: Am Israel Chai

By: YU Observer Editorial Board  |  October 9, 2023

By The YU Observer Editorial Board,

Over the holiday of Simchat Torah, Hamas has launched the most devastating attack upon Israel and the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Marking 50 years since the Yom Kippur War, these terrorists launched a cyber attack against the IDF, successfully penetrated the border, and have infiltrated surrounding Israeli cities killing and kidnapping innocent men, women, and children.

There have been over 800 deaths, over thousands wounded, all over the State of Israel. May the suffering end here, please God. Our hearts and spirits are broken for all those suffering in Israel. Those who have been taken hostage, those who are fighting on our frontlines, and those who have died bravely for our nation, may their memory forever be a blessing.

The YU Observer staff yearn for the safety of our people and our homeland.We wish to recognize the immense empowerment and fortitude of our soldiers and emergency service workers, who have resiliently fought and continue fighting to protect and save our people. To those in the IDF, in Magen David Adom (MDA), and United Hatzalah, thank you for your unconditional service and dedication to putting our nation before yourselves. This especially resonates with our staff who have served in both the IDF and MDA for this cause. We, the YU Observer, will continue utilizing our voices to advocate and support Israel in this horrific time. We, the YU Observer, stand with the State of Israel.

Am Yisrael Chai!