By Ruchama Benhamou, Features Editor, on behalf of the YU Observer
Each month, the YU Observer aims to highlight some of the YU undergraduate students who have written articles for us over the course of the semester. For the December 2021 edition, the YU Observer is highlighting Toviya Slager.
Name: Toviya Slager
College: Yeshiva College
Major: Mathematical-Economics and Psychology
Minor: Finance
Year: Fourth Year
Favorite part of being on (or back on) campus? Nagel, there is no place better for a quick snack.
What do you miss most about Zoom school? I miss being able to take my classes anywhere. I did class at Joshua Tree National Park, Sequoia National Forest, and from a kayak.
Currently Reading: “Nudge”, “Central Banking 101”, and “Gödel, Escher, Bach”
Currently watching: Don’t watch very much, but would recommend “The 100”
Currently listening to: Eitan Gedalya
Coke or Pepsi? Be’er Mayim plain seltzer – extra carbonated
Android or Apple? Android. What kind of question is that?
What’s a quote/thought/or piece of advice you have for your fellow students? Life is busy. Don’t forget to stay in touch with your friends and family.
See some of Toviya’s past articles here: