By Nathan Hakakian on behalf of the YU Observer
Each month, the YU Observer aims to highlight one SSSB club available to the YU undergraduate community. For theMarch issue, the YU Observer is highlighting “Yeshiva University Stock Exchange.”
Club Name: Yeshiva University Stock Exchange (YUSE)
Heads: President Jake Sheckter, VP Eli Itzhaky, VP Eli Longman, Mitch Goulson
Relevant Campus(es): Wilf, Beren
What is your club’s mission statement?
To help make the world of business and investing accessible, understandable, and enjoyable for Yeshiva University students.
Why is this club important?
In today’s age, staying up to date with financial trends, and opening up new sources of income for ourselves has proven to be a potentially crucial element of our day to day lives. By making the stock market and related sectors understandable and engaging, we believe we are providing our members with a great service, while simultaneously building a welcoming and knowledgeable community.
What was your pull to get involved in/start the club?: We recognized the public interest and need for an active-daily, stock market club. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, more young adults have gotten involved in the stock market than ever before; where there’s a will, there’s a way. We scaled up as quickly as we could, added more offerings to our members consistently, and the public interest grew with us.
What are some things your club has done in the past?
– We’ve established a public discussion board for news, updates, public education, articles, opinions, and more regarding the stock market, cryptocurrency scene, and other business-related sectors.
– We’ve initiated the YUSE Daily Stock Tip program, where a different stock is presented to the group by a different member each day, in a quick and easy to understand post, every morning (On days when YU classes run and the market is open), and we haven’t missed a day since.
– We’ve coordinated with the Yeshiva Student Union to bring in a popular YouTuber and stock analyst as a guest speaker for our members and the student body.
– We’ve also started the YUSE website, where all stock tips, future events, and club info can be found.
– Most recently, we’ve expanded our news, updates, and presence to both Instagram and Twitter under the username @Yusegroup.
What are some plans you have for this semester/future semesters?
We plan to bring in additional guest speakers, hold online and in-person events, potentially start a newsletter, offer YUSE club merch, and more.
With COVID, how is your club adjusting?
We launched our club during the pandemic, with a strong foundation in online communication and operations. We will continue to plan tentatively for the transition to on-campus activities to figure out the best way to serve our members.
What is your advice to someone looking to get involved on campus?
There is an endless number of ways to get involved on campus. Find something that you feel you can add to or are interested in, then feel free to reach out and get involved. There are a few ways to get involved with the YUSE, please feel free to contact an admin member at any time.
Anything else to say about your club?
We have become one of the largest and fastest growing clubs in YU history for a reason. With over 200 members, the community we have been creating is highly connected and constantly improving. From experienced day-traders to those with little to no investing/market experience, the YUSE caters to a wide range of experience levels in an effort to address everyone’s stock market needs. We look forward to continuing to provide the service we do and to ensure that our members are educated, informed, engaged, and connected.
Are you a YU undergraduate club head interested in seeing your club featured in a future edition? Email us at with your club name and the names of the club heads!