This year for Purim, five of my friends (including Batya) decided to dress up together. At night, for the Chagigah, they were Disney princesses (including Ariel). For Simcha Deliveries during the day, each represented a citizen of a different continent (one was an Asian). Of course, no group costume theme would be complete without pictures. When looking at the pictures later, I noticed that the girls had lined up in the same order both at night and during the day. Can you figure out which costume each girl wore at night and during the day, as well as their order in the picture? (Note: right and left is from my perspective looking at the picture.)
- Each person’s name, name of Disney princess, and name of continent start with different letters. (Note: North and South America start with N and S, respectively; Snow White starts with S.)
- Neither Devorah nor the one who dressed up as Belle came from the Americas.
- The one who dressed up as Cinderella was to the immediate left of Ora, who was to the immediate left of the one dressed up as a European.
- The one who dressed up as Aurora was to the immediate right of Sara and to the immediate left of the one dressed up as an African.
Baila was all the way on the right, and was next to the one dressed up as Snow White.