Staff Writer Profile: Rebecca Kalmar

By: Rivka Inger  |  October 22, 2024

By Rivka Inger, Features Editor

Rebecca Kalmar is a senior at Stern College for Women majoring in Media Studies with a minor in Psychology. She is from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and enjoys reading and playing sports in her free time.

What does writing mean to you?

Writing and I have a love-hate relationship. It can be hard for me to get started, but once I have a vision or [a topic] I’m passionate about I get into a rhythm. I enjoy transforming my thoughts on a topic into a cohesive piece. 

What do you hope to accomplish with your writing? 

It depends on the nature of the writing, but I always want to elicit a reaction. I might want to make someone laugh, think deeper about an issue, or agree with my argument. My goal for much of my writing is to achieve an emotional response that will inspire a reader to advocate for positive change. 

What’s your favorite class you have taken at YU and why?

This may not come as a surprise as an English major, but I love the English department. It’s hard to pick a favorite, but I’ve enjoyed multiple theater related classes with Dr. Trapedo, as well as a British Literature course with Dr. O’Malley that almost felt like a book club. I’m currently taking a course with Dr. Peters that’s changing my relationship with writing in part by breaking down my writer’s block and allowing me to tell my own stories. 

Why did you choose to attend Yeshiva University?

Picking YU was a no brainer. It was the only university where I felt like I could be surrounded by an environment of Jewish growth, rigorous Judaic and secular courses, and unique extracurricular opportunities.

What did you do this past summer?

This past summer I took part in one of OU-JLIC’s summer in Jerusalem programs at Nishmat. My nights were spent learning from a wide variety of guest speakers as well as a Gemara b’iyun (in depth) shiur. During the day I worked as a social media intern at The Michael Levin Base, which is an organization that supports lone soldiers and lone bnei sherut. I spent much of my time working on a video for their annual gala, but every day held the potential for other unique jobs, from picking up donuts to playing ping pong. I was so lucky to spend the summer with an amazing group of women dedicated to learning Torah and helping the State of Israel. 

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I hope to be invested in a career where I’m making a positive impact on others. 

What is the most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?

It’s difficult for me to choose one thing, but a lot of the options that come to mind involve nature. My Yam L’ Yam (literally translated as sea to sea, [a] hike [that] stretches across Israel from the Mediterranean to the Kinneret) hike during my gap year in Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim was definitely adventurous. That was pretty hardcore. 

Which article that you’ve written are you most proud of?

“Sacks-Herenstein Stronger Together Solidarity Mission: A Call To Action” is the article that means the most to me. After one of the most meaningful experiences of my life, it was crucial to transmit what we had experienced on our winter break mission in Israel to others and translate it into further tangible actions. One way I sought to accomplish that goal was through this article in the YU Observer, where I describe a few of the many powerful moments from our mission along with concrete ways we can support Israel. For me the piece serves both as a reminder of an incredibly impactful time on a personal level and as a broader call for all of us to do what we can to help our nation at war. 

Photo Caption: Rebecca Kalmar became a staff writer for the YU Observer in Spring 2023 

Photo Credit: Rebecca Kalmar