Club Profile: Health Education for Students Society 

By: Ruchama Benhamou  |  December 15, 2022

By Ruchama Benhamou, Features Editor

Each month, the YU Observer aims to highlight one club available to the YU undergraduate community. For the November 2022 edition, the YU Observer is highlighting the Health Education for Students Society.

Club Name: Health Education for Students Society 

Heads: Sophie Frankenthal

Relevant Campus(es): Beren

What is your club’s mission statement?:

Health Education for Students Society (HESS) aims to educate students about sexual and reproductive health and well-being, both physically and mentally.

Why is this club important?:

HESS is important because it offers its students education on women’s reproductive health as well as their physical and emotional health regarding intimacy and relationships. HESS provides a safe and open environment for women to learn about their bodies and how to conduct a healthy lifestyle mentally and physically. As a recent poll revealed, many students in Stern College are unfamiliar with women’s health, and so this club’s mission can help produce a new generation of students that lead safe and healthy lives. 

What inspired you to get involved in/start the club?:

“I became involved in HESS as a junior because it so perfectly addresses my personal passion for women’s health, education, and advocacy. Coming from a background that often stigmatized and silenced any discussion of reproductive wellness and other female-related issues, I became inspired by the club’s mission to provide access to education and resources in a religiously sensitive environment. I also hope to become a gynecologist one day, so this club was right up my alley :)” – Sophie Frankenthal. 

What are some things your club has done in the past?:

Our yearly staple events include “What to expect at the gynecologist?” and Period-Products Drive, which were both very popular last year. Regarding the Period-Products Drive, we were very successful and collected over 1,000 products in just two weeks!

What are some plans you have for this semester/future semesters?:

Our events include Advice from a Pelvic Floor Therapist, the Annual Period-Products Drive, and an Event-Series dedicated to discussing infertility from many perspectives (personal/psychological, religious, and medical), as well as so much more!

What is your advice to someone looking to get involved on campus?:

Look out for upcoming events and attend them with your friends! There is also a group chat for the club, which anyone and everyone can join:

Anything else to say about your club:

HESS provides amazing opportunities, events, and resources for its students, so stay tuned! 

Are you a YU undergraduate club head interested in seeing your club featured in a future edition? Email us at with your club name and the names of the club heads!