Staff Writer Profile: Shani Mizrahi

By: Ruchama Benhamou  |  November 18, 2021

By Ruchama Benhamou, Features Editor, on behalf of the YU Observer

Each month, the YU Observer aims to highlight some of the YU undergraduate students who have written articles for us over the course of the semester. For the November 2021 edition, the YU Observer is highlighting Shani Mizrahi. 

Name: Shani Mizrahi

College: Stern College for Women

Major: Computer Science

Year: First year 

Favorite part of being on (or back on) campus? Seeing people and being involved on campus.

What do you miss most about Zoom school? It’s my first semester, so lucky me I did not have Zoom school!

Currently Reading: An Israeli Book: One Summer Together – קיץ אחד ביחד 

Currently watching: 90210

Currently listening to: Hebrew Music

Coke or Pepsi? Diet Coke! 

Android or Apple? Apple 

What’s a quote/thought/or piece of advice you have for your fellow students? Always look at the bright side!

See some of Shani’s past articles here: 

Photo Credit: Shani Mizrahi