Interview with YU Alum Michael Peres: Tech Startup Owner, Podcast Host, and Science Enthusiast

By: Mindy Schwartz  |  September 14, 2017

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I was born and raised in Montreal where I obtained a degree in Computer Science at Dawson. After that, I decided to pursue a second degree in Mathematics at Yeshiva University. I always dreamt about moving to California, and sure enough, as soon as I finished my last exam at YU, I made the impulsive decision to press the reset button and go there. Without any idea where I was going or what to expect, I booked an immediate flight San Diego. At first I was constantly traveling alongside the beautiful coasts, going from San Diego to Los Angeles to San Francisco. I used this time wisely, networking and capitalizing on my constant change of location. Eventually, it was time to settle and I set up shop in Los Angeles. In retrospect I can definitively say that moving to California was the best decision of my life.

Can you tell a little about where you are in your career right now?

Thankfully my career has really taken off since I arrived in LA. I now run two tech startups and am partnered with and work alongside an array of companies. My two tech startups are Hexa Tiger and Hecto Fox, where I offer services to celebrities, fashion bloggers and high profile real estate agents. Currently, I have trained 10 people who work tirelessly to deliver impeccable work. This work has blossomed into something special; within the past year, we have even surpassed the 100 website mark. I have now expanded our services to offer branding, social media marketing, online sales, hosting, SEO (Google ranking) and content writing services. I have also found value in long term business relationships; I work regularly as a Software Engineer for Ryan Serhant, and am partnered with X Suit.

Although I am a  software engineer, my passion for innovation is a lot more fundamental and surpasses the realm of technology. At heart, I am simply in love with science. Just recently I launched my own science based podcast, where I delve into the minds of those making exceptional scientific contributions, and share their adventures with the world. I also operate online systems that detect recently published science videos, articles and research papers from all over the internet and collect the relevant results into one convenient feed called Science Hawk. I also operate a similar system of Middle Eastern Israel related news called Israel Talk. In addition, I write science and lifestyle based articles for a few online sources, such as Goss Club.

I am also continuing my education, pursuing my Masters in Biomedical Engineering online at Thompson Rivers University. When the time is right, I hope to focus my energy in making scientific contributions to the understanding and reversing of biological aging.

What do you see on the horizon for you and your companies?

For my tech companies, there is still so much to learn, but I am very proud of their progress and direction. I see these startups becoming a foundation for something truly exceptional. I plan to scale up these startups, and when the time is right, split the services into two polarized classes. I want to make one service exceptional, branded and state of the art work reserved for those with considerable budgets, and the other a competitive alternative to the more standard websites designed by the template industry. I have already constructed a business plan in which I propose an innovative new model to rival the template industry.

However, my work in tech only constitutes to 50% of my day, and this is intentional. For the other 50%, I engross myself in scientific works and the pursuits of longer term commitments. This includes my studies for my master’s, scientific research, education, interviews and my recent scientific podcast, which I am super excited about.

This division is pivotal to a successful path forward, and I’m careful to enforce it. I consistently turn down well paid jobs to pursue my free works, a choice which I believe will make all the difference in the long run. Building a substantial network of well connected and talented individuals will have a lot more to show than the immediate gratifications of monetary return.

How has your undergraduate experience influenced you as a person, and in your career?

My experience at YU has aided my life in a number of ways, but most importantly, it has provided me with a true understanding for the value of time, and the importance of developing the ambition to make the most of that time.

As I approached the finish line of my academic journey, the unfortunate alignment of a stressful lifestyle with the intensive course load of advanced mathematics demanded that I absorb a plethora of content in a daunting timeframe. The seemingly superman workload in the given conditions brought upon challenges I would have certainly liked to avoid. But looking back, I realize that the amount of intellectual growth I underwent in such a confined time period really emphasizes the value of time and how much can be accomplished even in a short period.   Emerging from this experience successfully gave me sense of self, passion and confidence, and a drive that seems immune to expiration. This epiphany fuels my motivation to wake up every morning, to meticulously optimize my required hours of sleep, and even to embrace the common practice of sleepless nights.

What is the best piece of advice you can give to those of us preparing to enter the workforce soon?

Take a sober moment and properly assess what truly matters. Money should not be at the top of your list, especially in your early years. Firstly, discover your passion, even if that requires you to press the reset button and diverge from the well worn path you put your blood and tears towards building. I cannot stress how important it is for you to discover what you love, and intelligently strategize your life around it. This is not to say you must pursue your passions with the obvious issues that may arise, but rather, break down a series of rational long term steps and pursue your path relentlessly.

Next is education. Understand its fundamental value by willing to go farther than others to obtain it. Seeing the world through a unique lens will allow you to do things that others can’t, and render you an irreplaceable asset. This will provide the confidence to lead and improvise in your own unique fashion. After which, money won’t need to be a priority, but an inevitable byproduct of doing something you truly love.

Let this thought process detonate in your head. Take the bus at 7:30AM and take a careful look at the faces of those going to work. It will become far too apparent that many have failed to pursue a calculated path of passion and succumb to work life they don’t love.

Whether you’re a young professional looking to broaden your resource base, request an internship, or simply have general questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

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Phone: 1-844-752-9966

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