Dear Julia,
Over the past fifteen years I have had the privilege of creating many memories with you: From our days at Maimonides to our time together in Israel, and most recently our time-shared at Stern. The thing I will remember most about you is the fact that you were always smiling and laughing.
Your laughter was extremely contagious. You loved being silly and sharing funny stories with your family and friends. Most of my memories with you involve us laughing about ridiculous things we had experienced throughout our day, funny stories from our past, or the many inside jokes we shared.
You were the most caring and supportive person I ever knew. You constantly did your best to make everyone else in your life happy. You wanted people to enjoy their lives as much as you enjoyed yours.
After spending an extra semester in Israel I was very worried about coming back to America and going to Stern since I was coming in halfway through the year. Little did I know, there was no reason to be nervous, because the second I walked in through the doors at Stern, you were there to greet me with a huge smile and open arms.
You spent the next few weeks showing me around and introducing me to all of the new friends you had made. I instantly felt as though I was at home because you were with me. Whenever we were together you always encouraged me to do the things I was too afraid to do while reminding me to believe in myself. When you were around everyone lived their lives to the fullest.
You brought joy to all of those around you. I am extremely fortunate and blessed to have had such an incredible friend to share my life with.
Thank you Julia for being my guide, my anchor and my best friend.
Dearest Jules,
Let’s be honest, I can’t believe I’m writing about you in the past tense.
I remember when you were waiting on your bed quietly our first day of college, and flashed that big smile when I entered our dorm room. I was a little nervous choosing the bed next to you, but your positive energy radiated and it was something contagious that drew me in. That bleach blonde hair of yours and those pearly whites that you religiously whitened every Thursday night, made me feel right at home, like I was back in Texas. There is simply a presence in your nature that is so comforting and I think we both knew our friendship was inevitable from the start.
Although I didn’t know much about modern orthodoxy, that didn’t make a difference to you. In fact, you saw it as an opportunity to show me Judaism in the most beautiful light. Many people see it as a red flag and turn the other shoulder the minute I say I didn’t go the seminary and went to public school, but you saw it as an opportunity to teach me not only about religion, but how to bring meaning and feeling to each experience in life.
When I would ask you those perplexing questions about Jewish identity and religion, you always knew the perfect thing to say. You’d calm me down and say “Corrie, there’s nothing wrong with calling ourselves spiritual, take a breather, leave all those labels at the door, and let love become your religion”.
Because we are both artists, our connection runs very deep. Artists are complicated people with creative minds, wild hearts, and a mystery behind their daily lives. I think this is what made us such a great team, and so compatible for three years. This is why it was so easy to become close to you Jules, and why you felt it so easy to let me in. I knew when you wanted to be left alone, when you needed a laugh, an outfit, or even a roll of sushi, and deep down you knew why it was so very important to come to every single one of my shows, as it was not only to support me, but for the art itself. You came to me when you needed to decompress from a long day, or when you got that fire in your eyes and wanted to take on the city.
I hope you know how much of a light and example you are to all of us girls. You have a childish, playful heart yet a wise mind, which is something I will forever admire and cherish. I know how much you love snow, and when the sun was setting and all of us girls were walking up that snowy hill, after putting you to sleep, we felt your strong, confident presence surround us. I promise for you I’ll continue to be a child at heart, love more deeply, laugh more loudly, use my words more wisely and thrive on the memorable experiences that make life worth living, just as you did so gracefully.
You held your head high for all to see, focusing on the sustainable rather than the attainable. Never coming too close but always at arm’s reach, your veins filled with passion, your heart could never be captured. An anchor deep in the sea, Jules you hold steady forever a part of me.
Aeschylus once said that “Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom, through the awful grace of God”. Sweet dreams our beautiful Jules. Sometimes angels fly away too soon.
All my love,
My Dearest Pumpkin Pie,
My heart aches as this letter is coming a few months earlier than I originally planned, I have been planning on giving it to you the day we put our cap and gown on together and walk hand in hand at graduation.
Julia, these past three years have gone by too fast, but my G-d, were they a perfect three years. Years that lasted a lifetime, filled with memories that are held so deep in our heart, with friends that turned into family. We didn’t chose each other, but how lucky are we that me, you, Corrie and Shayna were put pot luck together, and since that very first day of Stern, we never left each others side.
Unfortunately, not very many people find their very true best friend. But we know we did, and we know it’s a friendship that will last forever. With you Julia, I laugh a little louder, I smile a little brighter, and I love with all my heart. You and I never took each other for granted, instead, we took care of each other. When I look back on our time here at Stern, all I can do is laugh. Whether we were pulling another shanagain, like tee-peeing or own room, taking a bite out of my apple, defining boys as “trees”, putting package popcorn in my shoes, pulling some shanagain on Corrie, Shayna, or Paige, or immediately hiding in each others closets when we would text each other saying we were coming home and we wanted to scare each other. I will never forget our countless silly and crazy walks home, where it was just the two of us laughing, talking about life, and taking on the city. All I do is laugh.
You are a once and a lifetime person, Julia. You are the kind of person that has always believed in me when I felt like no one else did, who encouraged me to work harder, and do better. You always knew I could do it. You have a tilt of your head, with this smirk, and when you look at me with it, I know that you are right. You are there by my side when I make mistakes, you told me to learn my lessons, accept the consequences, and do something about it. You have a spark in your eye that always inspires me to see then sun, when I only see clouds. You have the kind of mind that sparks my dreams, encouraging me to never take no for an answer.
Julia, we found what people spend their whole lives looking for. We became instant best friends, and we never left each others sides. We give each other a look, and we know exactly what the other person is thinking, we have the same sense of humor, our stomachs are linked up to the same two hour periods of hunger, we can’t even cross the street without holding each others hands.
Our time was cut too short. I hate that I am writing this letter to you now. There are so many more memories to be made and so many more laughs to have. We are supposed to be those two old ladies chasing each other in our wheelchairs in the old age home when we retire to Arizona, remember? Julia, our friendship has changed my life. A special connection that is holds my heart together. I am a better, happier person because I met you. We always told each other exactly how we feel. Nothing was ever left unsaid. You are my Abu, my pumpkin, and my best friend, always.
I want to end with a quote by your favorite poet, R.M. Drake.
“I am not who I was yesterday,
and maybe you’re still the same person in my memories.
I can’t tell the difference between what was and what is.
I just know beneath everything you left behind,
I found a dark paradise where you and I were
Forever, and you and I were one.”
I love you forever, Julia.
As we always say to each other… infinite X’s and O’s.
I carry your heart in mine.
Love always,