This column was inspired by Humans of NY (HONY). We are starting this section to showcase the diversity within the Stern student body, because we at Stern break our own stereotypes. Our blog will be posted soon to follow.
Yali Raichlin– “Last night the election results came out. My Stern friends were saying they want to make aliyah while my more colorful dance friends were having the biggest party of their lives. Dancing is my life- if I don’t dance, I can’t function as a human being.”
Judith Frankiel– “What are you thinking about?”
“I’m thinking about how it’s so awkward when people from class give you their numbers so you can study together, but you don’t even know their names. So you put them in your phonebook as ‘girl from class’ – What are you suppose to do when you have a few of these?”
Mimi Farb-“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
“I want to be the minister of education, do talmid research, and be an un-rabbi. You know, a rabbi who doesn’t get the title because the community is so behind the times, but still, a community leader and a role model.”
Meira Lerner-“This is the second to last game of the season, and the last school day game. We’re showing off our pride with our uniforms. The soccer team is a stern family. We’re together on and off of the field.”
Taylor Cohen– “I’m studying for Hebrew. I’ve only been doing it for a few minutes, maybe. I like studying in the caf because I like food. I’m really scared for winter since I’m from Florida.”