15 38- and its a close. See you next semester…
15 37 Malkie Krieger’s up. In terms of business classes and being a Stern Student; we all want to take some business classes and unless youre a business minor, you can’t… PJ refers MK to Dean Forum
15 34 PJ first addresses pre exam time studying. We will open more space. In terms of lounge space, you have beautiful lounges and you use them! (the guys tell me every week). There is a need mof more lounge space in school buildings though. Is there anything to be done.
MS: Im on the student life committee, and what we were thinking is break down classrooms to use. Bc otherwise, there’s only one student per classroom
PJ: I would like the SLC to meet w Rosengarten and Dean Bacon and Dean Ciment (PROMOTION!) and lets talk this thru and see where we go w this
15 33 Miriam Seidman takes the mic! There’s not enough room for students to study. Its getting ridiculous that students feel that they cannot study on their own campus
15 30 Rachel Golian. There’s no room for us to pray on Shabbat (since Schotty Cultural Center sold)! Its a problem. We need to fix it. PJ: I know, lets look at what we have and work with it. These are not insoluble problems, but we have to talk about it.
15 30 Talia Lautman thanks Rachel Kraut, student leaders, and amazing way that #SandyCrisis was handles.
15 29 Ariella Simpson bemoans the math major and the lack of classes. PJ refers her to the Provost, Professor Lowengrub
15 28 Estee Munk asks question about public health (Her grandmother taught PJ’s kids ) PJ refers her to Deans Forum next week
15 25 Were a small school so its always a challenge. having said that i have to say its not your problem and it shouldnt be your problem. I would like Rachel to meet with you and create a report (in 2 weeks) as to what the problems are. their (other offices) responsibilities are to get it done. everyone is caught up in their own stuff…Im serious: In 2 wks i want to see a repport that we’ve identified the issues and get on route to a solution.
15 24 Chana Weinstock thanks OSL. Shout out Tami, Adina, Marc. Says there are certain offices in the uni that brick wall event requests. How can we get events passed in a more timely fashion?
15 22 I know there are challenges here, I know its an urban school (calls out Monday to Thursday students), but I have not been on a campus with more events than you generate… even on this campus! Explains why more events are uptown.
15 21 Jody Friede– Adds to Weber’s announcement. student academic affairs committee, Deans Forum will include Syms Deans as well
15 19 PJ: not a matter of bringing it back but a matter of reinventing it… In 2 years it will, almost for sure be different (and back!)
15 18 Naama Plotzer asks a question on behalf of her younger sister about the computer science major.
15 16 I dont have a great sense of the energy of the beit midrash here and I think you should take it on as a cause… and make it stronger. If you think hashgacha needs strengthening we should talk about that and see what needs to be done and do so.
15 13 PJ endorses Dean’s forum next week. YEHUDIT GOLDBERG asking a question– “the yeshiva is the heart of our institution” goldberg quotes PJ saying.. what surrounds the uptown campus is roshei yeshiva and sganei mashgichim. we dont have those role models. we do have Rabbi Blau and the gpats women
PJ- and Rav Khan…
right but we dont have the same role models….Goldberg then equates gpats women to smicha students
PJ makes joke– are you trying to replace me in sooner than 6 yrs!?
Goldberg: what can we do to make sure the beit midrash experience matches the experience of that uptown?
15 12 Rachel Weber announces Dean’s Forum next Wednesday to address more SCW questions and concerns
15 12 Attributes some language departments cuts on budget cuts and says they would accomodate students to take courses at other universities if the need arises. Refers Brauser to the Dean regarding her follow up question “would the outside courses be on the students’ dime.”
15 09 Certain classes cannot be offered as Honors classes
15 08 Chana Brauser asks about her History major and her grievances… lack of foreign languages at Stern.
15 07 “There has been significant progress.”
15 06 “There is no conceivable possibility that we are anything but in the top ranks. We will always meet the standards.”
15 05 “In order to survive, we had to go to certain measures…. the assessment will be looked at again in September”
15 04 “We’re giving you a warning…. faculty pensions down. We hadn’t completed the provost’s work.”
15 03 President Joel answers that we can do better on our assessments… turns out we got two warnings. “Yeshiva University is a place transformed”
15 02 Rachel Benaim asks about the status of the Middle States accreditation.Want to be sure we get the correct processing of information.
15 01 Lots of problems. I hear it. nothing wrong w that request but lots of complications.
15 00 Julie Weintraub asks a question– women’s athletics on uptown gym
59 floor open to questions
14 58 West Wing fans– I teach a class in Sy Syms leadership and not for profit class uptown. If anyone here is interested be in touch. References WW w PJ events hosted by the Republican and Democrat Clubs. (starting again next semester PG)
14 56 …Maccabeats/ Stand Four joke. Oh PJ…
14 55 commends OSL’s Marc Spear. Welcomes Rachel Ciment to the OSL. bids farewell to Tuvia and Rachel. Schott cultural bldg is no more. It will be replaced by a 23 story bldg for student housing. It no longer belongs to us– belongs to NYU. Sold for over 15 million (editorial comment: which, incidentally, is nearly 10 million less than hoped)
14 54 commends YU student leaders
14 54 WB Yeates– education is not filling a bucket but lighting a fire
14 53 I was beyond proud and I think the miracle of Januka is an ongoing one
14 52 Everyday is an opportunity for Kiddush H
14 52 commends YU students’ efforts at the shelter in the heights and in Far Rockaway and in all community service endeavors during Sandy aftermath.
14 50 we did our best to accomodate you well. if anyone is having a problem getting a shidduch bc you spent shabbat on WILF i will write st for you in hebrew. no idea what it will say but it will give u a ptur
14: 49 PJ makes Sandy references
14: 46 President Joel takes the podium. This should be fun
13:40- Yagoda Commons ready for meeting. Tweets should be sent with the #YUTHM
Can’t make the
President Richard M. Joel
on the Israel Henry Beren Campus Community
in David Yagoda Commons in 215 Lexington Avenue
at 2:40 pm?
Not to worry, The Observer’s got your back with out live blog of the meeting!
Check back here @ 2 40 tomorrow and stay tuned…
As Aliza Berenholtz explained in her sstud, “Town Hall Meetings are university-wide forums intended to promote an open and meaningful dialogue between President Joel and the YU community on issues important to academic and university life. The program will feature a brief talk by the president followed by a question-and-answer session.”