By: Observer Staff  |  September 12, 2012

credit: Irit Greenboim

TEIQU is officially revamped. The improved program launched on September 5th, with a delicious dinner, Torah, and apples and honey.

A talented and enthusiastic bunch of over 60 people filed into Furst 501 unsure what the revamped version of TEIQUE would yield—would it be the same as previous years? Would it be better? Worse? Well, according TAC President Margot Reinstein, “TEIQU event was one of the most successful events TAC has ever run – filling a niche that no other club does: a forum for students to engage in thoughtful conversation, face-to-face. Students were able to meet new people, gain new perspectives and I’m sure everyone left with something to think about.”

Spearheaded by SCW senior Rachel Weber and YC seniors Hillel Gross and Josh Botwinick, TEIQU the event was a huge success. SCW junior Penina Cohen was overheard discussing it in the halls of 35th street all night. “Such a great event,” she exclaimed. “Rachel, Hillel, and Josh did such an impressive job and I’m really looking forward to future events.” Weber, Gross, and Botwinick were, according to Reinstein, “professional, well prepared and passionately spoke about important issues facing the Jewish communities. The topics were relevant and thought provoking. They raised some issues I had never actively thought about before.”

Dinner was offered first before the actual programming began. While people were eating, they were encouraged to entire a competition in cleverly naming TEIQU (the long-hand way). YC senior Jo Jo Frendel won the contest with the phrase “Torah-Emancipated Israelite Questioners Union”.

After the food was consumed and TEIQUE received its full name, students sat at tables and discussed the issues regarding the Musaf davening of Rosh Hashana, which were posed by the TEIQU presidents. For malchuyot section students were posed the question “How should your Jewish values influence your views on government?” For zichronot, “What role does the Holocaust play in our Jewish collective memory?” For shofarot “Ani maamin b’emunah sheleima beviat hamashiach: Mashiach: What do I really believe?” Within each topic, all tables were provided with various questions that could bring the discussion in different directions, along with sources to help enrich the conversation.

To compliment these discussions, video clips were played. They aired the clip of Rabbi Dr. Meir Soloveitchik’s invocation at the Republican National Convention, and a clip from the Simpsons where Homer suffers from the Jerusalem Syndrome (coincidentally this episode was mentioned in the last episode of the Observer, but that did not influence our programming). It got students thinking and dialogue going.

Chana Weinstock, avid Torah learner and passionate Stern Girl, reflected on the uniqueness of this event. “The event featured intellectual and honest discussion about real issues that we as Torah Jews face in our daily lives, however,” she explained “this was not a lecture. It was just us, the students, sitting around discussing our thoughts on the matter – throwing ideas out at each other and challenging each other’s views. I really appreciated the event and look forward to more like it in the future.”

As for the program’s “reimagination,” TEIQU’s Beren president Rachel Weber explained “Our goal in recreating TEIQU this year is to move beyond stigmas to talk about issues that are relevant to large segments of the YU population. Whether it will be responding to current events or bringing a new spin on an old topic, TEIQU will be the address for a nuanced, mature and never-boring debate. After a really exciting opening event, we’re looking forward to showing our fellow students what else we have up our collective sleeve. Hillel Grosser, Wilf campus president, added that a main purpose of the rebranding was “to socialize our events more in order to empower the students and give their views a more central role.”

…and it looks like TEIQU’s goals are already being reached. Event attendee Netanel Shafier also had a something to share regarding the “reimagination” process: “I always liked TEIQU. It continues to impress me tenfold with timely and enjoyable events that bring stimulating subject matter on important and relevant issues.”

So far, it looks like TEIQU is taking the campuses by storm. Check out for what they have coming up soon.