Every year the CJF sends YU undergrads across North America to bring ruach to various communities for Simchat Torah. This year is no different. This year, ten students who hail from ten cities will be each sent to one of those same ten communities. Can you use the ten clues to figure out the hometown and destination of each student?
- The ten cities are: Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, and St. Louis.
- The five girls were from Boston, Chicago, Denver, Miami, and St. Louis.
- The five boys went to Baltimore, Denver, Los Angeles, New York, and St. Louis.
- The student from Miami was the only student who remained in his/her own community.
- No student travelled to a city with the same initial as his/her hometown.
- Only one pair of students traded places directly with each other.
- The student from Houston went to Baltimore.
- The longest trip was one from New York to Los Angeles.
- The city of Denver either had a resident go to Chicago or had a visitor from Boston.
- The student from Los Angeles went to a city which is ahead of it in the alphabet.