Political Science Department Announces New Courses

By: Shayna Darling  |  January 1, 2014

Several weeks before registration this semester, the Political Science department unveiled an exciting line-up of spring semester courses.  In addition to its routine offerings, the department will feature new classes as well as new professors, including former Israeli Ambassador to the United States Daniel Ayalon.

When asked about the new offerings, Department Chair Dr. Joseph Luders commented that “…[W]e are constantly on the lookout for talented faculty to teach engaging classes.”  Dr. Luders reflected his desire to accommodate the needs of the students, adding that instructors are more attractive to the department when they have “credentials that might make them particularly interesting to Stern students.” This is the case with new teachers Cynthia Bernstein, a Stern College graduate, and Matthew Holbreich, a YU Strauss Center fellow.

“The Political Science department really caters to Stern students,” adds Corrie Mathias, a Political Science major and the department’s work study assistant. As a helpful hand in the selection process, Mathias noted that the department looked for potential professors who had a PhD in either International Relations or Middle East Studies, the latter being of specific interest to Stern students.  Not surprisingly, this semester’s teachers include Former Ambassador Daniel Ayalon and Former Israeli Deputy National Security Advisor Chuck Freilich, who are both experts in Israeli and Middle Eastern diplomatic affairs.

Notable course listings include Introduction to American Politics, which is being taught by first time Stern teacher Professor Lindsay Cormack, a popular New York University professor. Additionally, former Stern student and graduate of Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs Cynthia Bernstein will be teaching an innovative new course called Doing Good: Partnerships in the Public Good. This class will focus on issues pertaining to relationships between the government and the public sector and will be an elective for the Syms management major.

Strauss Center fellow Matthew Holbreich will be teaching a course entitled ‘Politics and Film,’ which will compare and contrast films with classic Western political philosophy.  Open only to political Science majors and minors, ‘Statecraft Analysis: Israel’s Foreign Policy,’ the course being offered by Daniel Ayalon, will explore the foreign affairs challenges Israel faces.

These exciting faculty and course changes have generated buzz for the small Political Science department. Says Luders, “We are fortunate to have our entire ensemble of instructors.”