New Campus Couple On Beren Campus

By: Observer Staff  |  January 29, 2013


With the start of the semester came the Office of Student Life’s announcement of Beren Campus’ new campus couple: Jonathan and Esty Schwab.

If their first Shabbat here, January 25, is any indicator, their tenure here will prove a successful and inspiring one. On Friday night, Esty prayed with the women of SCW in the 7th floor Beit Midrash and infused the prayer with extra vigor. Keeping with the traditional role of the campus couple, Jonathan (more commonly known by his surname, Schwab) and Esty ate with students for all three of the Shabbat meals and made an effort to meet, if not every woman, well over 75% of the women on campus for Shabbat. Their meet and greet after Shabbat lunch had the entire 36th street front lounge, which was packed with over 50 students captivated and laughing for a solid hour and a half.

We look forward to their work here and, on behalf of the women of Stern College: Welcome to Midtown!

Stay tuned for a full bio on Schwab and Esty in the next issue of The Observer